
Standard Duty Key Reels


Real Life stories

One story I can share comes from a hospital campus in America.  Before they started using KEY-BAK, they had a big issue with people losing their keys.  That is a BIG problem for them since hospitals have a lot of patient records and drugs as well as access to sensitive areas that have to be protected.  Every time keys were lost, security had to re-key every lock that was affected and issue new keys to hundreds of employees.  That is extremely expensive, upwards of $20,000 per incident. Then 5 years ago, they mandated all hospital keys be carried on Super 48 key reels.  Immediately, the issue was solved, and they didn’t have a single incident of a lost key (or $20,000 spend) for 5 years!

Find Super 48 key reels here 

The key retractor that got KEY-BAK started in 1948, the Original retractable key chain is a heavy duty key reel that is guaranteed to outlast the competition. Although it is often copied, there has still never been another retractable key reel that matches the quality, durability or versatility of the Original KEY-BAK Retractable Key Chain.